So, it has been a while since I've blogged. 10 days. That's kind of a lot for me! I've been working more lately, so I think that accounts for some of it. Some.
I had an interesting weekend. Friday night Jack & I went to see Grown-Ups. It was pretty funny... mostly in a clean way, which I usually like better than dirty humor. I think anyone can tell a dirty joke and be funny, but it actually takes TALENT to be funny in a "clean" way. Anyway, back to the subject at hand. It was a good movie; not something that I would say is a favorite, but I'm glad I watched it.
In other news, I went back to Maquoketa for the annual birthday bash of one Ms. Martha Schwartz. She turned 90 on Friday! CRAZY! This picture is from Memorial Day weekend 'cause for whatever reason I didn't take a new one of us at her birthday party! I love her! She is the one who gave me my wonderful cooking abilities. I must also add that I have found in recent years that I think I may have developed some of my sharp wit from her. She must have withheld that from me when I was a child, but she sure doesn't hold back her sauciness anymore!
While I was home I also gave Destiny and Easton their birthday presents since I don't think that I will get to see them again before their birthdays. Here is Little Man speeding away from the mess he made while opening up his presents. LOVES himself some wrapping paper!
Easton & Destiny also liked jamming out to Destiny's new Justin Bieber cd. Yes, I actually bought that for her, as much as I might be against the J. Bieb's.
We went to Bluff Lake for Grandma's birthday dinner, just like we do every other year. I had to post the picture below because I can not figure out what Preston, Destiny Matt & Kim are all staring at! They look like they are concentrating really hard on something. Too funny.
In other news, we got a free load of firewood tonight! That is a good thing! I was not looking forward to paying for firewood this fall, but I HAVE to have fires. LOVE them. (Anybody know a good chimney sweep in the area? I need one before this fall! I want someone similar to Dick Van Dyke if at all possible...)
Lastly, the book challenge starts in 2 days! Check it out. I hope you all will be cheering me on! I lack motivation people! If you know me at all, you know this much to be true, so I need you!