Sunday, August 29, 2010


And so it begins.

I am officially beginning P90X tomorrow morning and I am scared to death.  I know this is going to be a huge challenge for me.  Considering this program was designed for seasoned athletes who want to push themselves further and I am not an athlete whatsoever; this is going to kill me.  Hopefully not literally.  :)

Have any of you out there in my blogosphere done P90X?  If so, give me your thoughts and comments, please!

Also, I am really going to need some motivational pull through this one... rather push, I suppose.  I know that I am going to complain and I'm sure a lot of that will be done to you, my lovely followers.  :)  So PLEASE, keep me motivated!

Does everyone know what P90X is?  It is an exercise program that lasts 90 days (or however long you want to repeat the program for) and is focused around "muscle confusion", thus allowing your body to never get used to it.  Which is both good and bad...  It is good because you will constantly see the effects of the program, BUT you will also constantly be sore from it.  :(

Okay, that is all for now because I have a feeling you will be hearing a lot about this from me in the very near future.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Free Produce!!!

So, In the past I've told you a few of the reasons why I like going back to my home town.  Mostly all because of the people.

Let me tell you about another MAJOR (seasonal) reason I love it.


I mean seriously folks.  The generosity of my family is amazing.  Check out the cornucopia below!  YUM!

This is really only a tiny portion of what I brought back with me and it is only a minuscule amount of what I COULD have brought back with me.

Check out some more YUMS thanks to my 'rents!

I've always loved finding the "ugly" carrots because they are the beautiful ones.  Sometimes you can prop them up on their "legs"; sometimes they don't even look like carrots in shape.  Amazing.  The only thing that is more beautifully hideous than Schwartz carrots are Schwartz potatoes... and I have plenty of those as well!

I hand plucked those babies (pun not intended) from the chicken coop myself!

Then of course, there are the joys of my little brother moving back to Iowa and running a farm:

Peppers!  Lots of them!

Black Raspberry Jam made with honey!  It is SO delectable!  He is my parents' son!

Last, but not least, TOMATOES!  I only add them last because some of them are from my parents, some are ours (from our Topsy Turvy!) and some are from Jack's Grandma!

I love summer produce.  I can't wait for the fall produce! 

(I'll be home again in September, Mom!)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Coming to a Blog Near You...

This is just a blog promising that I will blog.  Seriously.  That's all it is.  I realize it has been 2 weeks since I've blogged.  It's not that I was in a deep depression over Bronko... although I WAS sad about that.

Coming up in a future blog(s):
~ hanging out with the maternal side of the fam.  (We're an interesting bunch.)
~P90X (Oh yes... it's happening.)
~Produce (That's right.  Produce.)
~The birthday celebrations coming up this weekend.

Did I mention that Vanilla Ice & Tone Loc are totally playing on a free stage at the state fair?  That will be this Sunday.  It doesn't get much more exciting than that.

Blog you later.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Officially Bummed

So, it turns out that Bronko is going to be a no go.  :(  Kaiah did not like any part of him.  She attempted to sniff him but as soon as he muzzle bumped her, she was ready to destroy him.
I'm bummed though, so that's all I have to say on the subject at this point.
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